Postulating PosturePosture is really important, right? However, maybe it's not all its cracked up to be...
Dry Needling - All You Need to Know!I have had many people ask about trigger point dry needling as a treatment and how and why it works. Dry needling has been used, with...
Tired? Stressed? You’ll LIFT better with SLEEPYou’re having a terrible nightmare where, every time you train, the ‘strength gains’ literally melt off you. You awake in a pool of sweat...
The Most Common Cause of Knee PainI decided to write this article on knee pain, as it is something I see frequently, as well as deal with myself. Check out our other...
Hamstring InjuriesThe winter season is well and truly underway thus the busiest time of the year for field sports is upon us. Hand in hand with this comes...
What in the World is Plantar Fasciosis?As someone who has always had a passion for sport and fitness, I have had my fair share of experiences with pain and injury. Although in...
Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny and Core StabilisationWe’ve all heard it, you may well have even said it, or been told it. “I think I need to strengthen my core” or “Your back pain is coming...
Should I get Surgery for my Sore Shoulder?Learn what you need to consider when you've been suffering from a sore shoulder, prior to going under the knife!